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Research Associate positions |
Post-doctoral research associate (RA) positions are advertised on www.jobs.ac.uk as they become available. To apply, please follow the online application process in the advert.
· Current projects: All RA positions filled
PhD studentships |
PhD and EngD projects with EPSRC support are restricted to UK or EU nationals only (in accordance with Research Council eligibility criteria) who have or expect to obtain a first or 2(1) class degree in physics, engineering, or a relevant subject. Overseas students already supported by other means (e.g. a sponsor such as your government or institute) and with an equivalent qualification may also apply. To apply, please e-mail your CV and the contact details of two academic referees to Prof. Andrew Moore.
· Additive manufacturing (3D printing) of metals – EPSRC Industrial CASE PhD Studentship Applications are invited for a PhD studentship starting in September 2020. Information on EPSRC Industrial CASE studentships, including eligibility criteria, is available on the EPSRC website. The studentship is supported by Renishaw, the UK’s only manufacturer of laser powder bed fusion (PBF) additive manufacturing equipment. For UK applicants, the studentship will cover tuition fees as well as an annual tax-free stipend of £21,475, which could be enhanced for a suitably qualified applicant. It is suitable for well-qualified students who have (or expect to obtain) a first or upper second class degree in engineering, physics or other relevant subject. Our research relates to fundamental process understanding and control in the additive manufacture of metals, including directed-energy deposition and powder-bed techniques. This project aims to improve our fundamental understanding of the interaction between the laser and powder bed during the laser powder bed fusion (PBF) process. The project will build on our experimental and modelling experience, to explore areas such as: the influence of the laser plume on process stability; techniques to reduce heat input and spatter; and new processing regimes. The project will be supervised by Prof. Andrew Moore (www.optical-diagnostics.hw.ac.uk) and will involve close collaboration with Renishaw, including a three month placement with them. Self-motivated individuals with a strong work ethic are encouraged to apply. Some practical experience of additive manufacturing is desirable, as is knowledge of Matlab, Python or Labview. To apply, please email your CV and the contact details for two academic referees to a.moore –at– hw.ac.uk
· Finite element modelling of additive manufacturing (3D printing) of metals Applications are invited for a fully-funded PhD studentship starting in September 2020. It is suitable for well-qualified students who have (or expect to obtain) a first class degree in engineering, physics or other relevant subject. For UK applicants, the studentship will cover tuition fees as well as an annual tax-free stipend of up to £19,770, which could be enhanced for a suitably qualified applicant. Information on studentships, including eligibility criteria, is available on the EPSRC website. Scholarship funding may be available for exceptional non-UK applicants who do not meet the EPSRC eligibility criteria. Our research relates to fundamental process understanding and control in the additive manufacture of metals, including directed-energy deposition and powder-bed techniques. Multiphysics finite element (FE) modelling, validated by experiments, is enabling us to understand the complex interactions between laser, metal powder and inert gas in the laser powder bed fusion (PBF) process. The aim of this project is to extend the scope of our models to provide further insight for process planning, the production of metal vapour and spatter, and variations in laser absorption in to the powder bed. The project will be supervised by Prof. Andrew Moore (www.optical-diagnostics.hw.ac.uk) and will involve close collaboration with Renishaw, the only UK manufacturer of metal powder bed additive layer manufacturing equipment. Self-motivated individuals with a strong work ethic are encouraged to apply. Some experience of FE modelling is desirable, as is knowledge of Matlab or Python. To apply, please email your CV and the contact details of two academic referees to a.moore –at– hw.ac.uk
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